2010年4月27日 星期二

Angelina Jolie


Fashion Targets Breast Cancer 2010

Sienna Miller

Claudia Schiffer

Kylie Minogue

澳大利亞天后凱莉·米洛(Kylie Minogue) 、有孕在身的名模克勞蒂亞·雪佛(Claudia Schiffer) 和英國“混搭女王”西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller) 共同為Fashion Targets Breast Cancer 2010發起的抗乳腺癌運動拍攝了一組黑白大片。大片中三位女明星僅以印有Fashion Targets Breast Cancer的大LOGO的布料遮體半裸出鏡,呼籲全球女性提高乳腺癌防患意識。

這組寫真由著名攝影師Mario Testino掌鏡,將作為2010 Fashion Targets Breast Cancer運動的主打公益大片。與此同時,主辦機構抗乳腺癌 (Breakthrough Breast Cancer)慈善基金組織還將與各大零售商發行一系列T卹、泳衣等公益商品。

作為CFDA(Council of Fashion Designers of America,美國時裝設計師協會)創立的一個慈善志願團體,FTBC(Fashion Targets Breast Cancer)從1994年開始致力於喚起大眾對乳癌的認識以及對患者的支援。 Fashion Targets Breast Cancer自1996年以來就為該基金籌集了1050萬美元的善款,善款都是通過和各種各樣的零售商店合作獲得。

陳綺貞 - 旅行的意義 Live at 花的姿態演唱會

2010年4月26日 星期一

2010 英國年輕富豪榜

《星期泰晤士報》公布年度英國富豪榜,在30歲以下的年輕富豪方面,《哈利波特》男主角丹尼爾雷德克里夫去年進帳2560萬鎊,個人資產增至 4200萬鎊(約台幣20億2870萬元),在年輕富豪榜排名第五,《暮光之城》男主角羅伯派汀森首次進榜,就以1300萬英鎊排名14。

在《哈利波特》飾演「妙麗」的愛瑪華生,以2200萬英鎊在英國年輕富豪榜排第10位。「榮恩」魯柏葛林也有2000萬英鎊,排第12名。丹尼爾雷德克里 夫和艾瑪華生今年都20歲,魯柏葛林21歲。

其他上榜知名藝人包括:喜劇泰斗卓別林的孫女綺拉卓別林(27歲)、女星綺拉奈特莉 (25歲),兩人以2800萬英鎊並列第七;24歲歌星夏綠蒂以1100萬英鎊排16名;26歲的雪莉克洛以1000萬英鎊排名20。27歲的威廉王子和 25歲的哈利王子,也以2800萬英鎊遺產並列第七。

英國最有錢的年輕富豪是亞瑟藍登,28歲就擁有2億英鎊,但他的財產來自繼承。第二名是30歲的網路新貴安德魯麥可,資產1億3000萬英鎊。第三名是梵 恩詹姆斯和印蒂蘿絲詹姆斯這對姊妹檔,分別24歲和18歲,財產來自繼承。第四名是30歲的里察華特斯,從事營造和礦業的他有9800萬英鎊。

按照《星期泰晤士報》,英國首富由印度裔鋼鐵大王米塔爾(Lakshmi Mittal)蟬連,財產多達220億英鎊,俄羅斯裔富豪阿布拉莫維契(Roman Abramovich)以74億英鎊排第二。《哈利波特》作者羅琳有5億1900萬英鎊,雖然在英國富豪榜只排129名,卻是全球最有錢作家。


英國富豪榜最近出爐,30歲以下的年輕富豪裡,最搶眼的就是《哈利波特》系列電影中飾演哈利波特、妙麗和榮恩的三位演員,其中飾演哈利波特的丹尼爾雷德克 里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)財產超過20億新台幣,排名第5,是英國皇室兩位王子財產的1.5倍。

《哈利波特》電影已經拍了六集,第七集還正在籌劃中,但早已為劇中演員帶來可觀的財富,飾演哈利波特的丹尼爾雷德克里夫今年才20歲,個人資產已 經累積到4200萬英鎊,相當於20億2870萬元新台幣,大部分都是靠飾演哈利波特的進帳。

同劇中的「妙麗」、今年同樣20歲的艾瑪華生(Emma Watson)資產破10億新台幣(2200萬英鎊),也同樣是個小富婆,排名第10;飾演「榮恩」的21歲魯伯葛林特(Rupert Grint),則是有9億多新台幣(2000萬英鎊)的身價,排第12名。

另外進入30歲以下英國年輕富豪榜的藝人,還有拍《暮光之城》走紅的羅伯派汀森(Robert Pattinson),他第一次入榜,就以6億新台幣(1300萬英鎊)的財富名列第14;其他知名藝人有「平胸美女」綺拉奈特莉(Keira Knightley,25歲)、喜劇泰斗卓別林的孫女綺拉卓別林(Kiera Chaplin,27歲),她們和繼承遺產的威廉王子(27歲)與哈利王子(25歲)一樣,有13億5千萬元的身價,同列第7。

至於誰是最有價值的英國年輕富豪第一名呢?答案是28歲的亞瑟蘭登(Arthur Landon),他擁有2億英鎊財產,相當於96.5億新台幣,全部來自於繼承曾經比英國女王更富有的富爸爸Tim Landon的遺產,他們的財富真是讓人望塵莫及。


2010年4月24日 星期六

Andrew Cooper Singing Career

A Singing Career in the Making...

British model Andrew Cooper was born in 1981 and at this very moment in time is classed as one of the top ten male models in the world. While growing up Andrew never really had any intentions, or even thoughts, of becoming a model; indeed, he was much more interested in forging a career as a singer. This ambition probably stemmed from the nineties boy-band revolution that appeared to making a mark on everyone, and he was actually deemed decent enough to be signed up by none other than Take That’s founder/creator/discoverer, Nigel Martin-Smith.

Martin-Smith tried to guide Andrew along this arduous path he was intent on taking, and helped him in the release of his first single which was titled “I feel Something” by vigorously promoting it using all the means at his disposal. On 27th May 1998 Andrew Cooper debuted his new single at a...fashion show of all places. But unbeknown to him at the time, that was it as far as Andrew Cooper the singing star was concerned! For the next five years nothing was heard about him in terms of a public presence.


A Modelling Career Beckons

Andrew Cooper then surfaces publically in 2003 with his music career firmly in the distant past, but with another career path appearing to open up before him. Supposedly backed at the time by a modelling agency, he agreed to pose for the cover of a fashion-cum-fitness-cum-architectural-cum-interior design magazine going by the name of “Wallpaper”. The image of him with his arms around a punching bag while covered in sweat which adorned the front cover of the magazine drove sales through the roof that month, and until this day that particular issue remains the highest number the magazine has ever sold in any given month.
After the “Wallpaper” shoot, Andrew’s career really took an upward spiral of unimaginable, for him, proportions, and before he knew it the brown haired English lad with the piercing blue eyes was modelling for some of the biggest names in the world of fashion. In 2004, Andrew Cooper appeared, along with his greatest friend Will Chalker, on the cover of i-D magazine. He also featured in an editorial spread in the same magazine in October of that same year. 2004 also heralded his much vaunted debut for Dolce & Gabbana in their then current ad campaign.

A Young Man Reaches for the Stars

In 2005 Andrew Cooper moved on to even greater heights when he became the face of Giorgio Armani and Emporio Armani, and then appearing in a television ad campaign for L’Oreal alongside none other than the beautiful Claudia Schiffer herself. Subsequent years have brought much of the same success for the unassuming Andrew. He became the male face for DKNY as well as featuring in some of the very biggest campaigns for leading lights of the fashion industry such as Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Armani and Swatch. Andrew Cooper also did countless more TV commercials as well as a huge number of catwalk shows and photo shoots for numerous magazines across the world. Who knows what the future holds for this young Englishman, but if the past is anything to go by, then the world really is his oyster!


Viktor & Rolf F/W2010

聽妳的 純白愛情

Andrew Cooper Interview from World of Models

A classy male model that has been working with the most renowned fashion designers of this very competitive and fascinating industry. Ladies and Gentlemen, World of Models is proud to share with you guys an exclusive interview with Andrew Cooper!

I am 29 years old from Manchester England, married and daddy to my 16 month old daughter Taylor. Swapped city life for the country one year ago and bought and old farm estate outside the city.My interests are football(Manchester United), oxing/thai boxing and my dogs(two american bulldogs).

After being spotted in london on the street 2 times at the age of 15, I was not really sure about it until I eventually decided to join models 1 part time at the age of 16. I remember my first test shoot was in London and we kept having to move on as we had no permit to shoot in a museum, at least it made it interesting. Since then every year has been better than the last experiencing new places and working with some great people. I am also lucky to have made some good friends who I still work with and have done for the past 10 years. Recent projects .... well I shot the new Louis Vuitton with Carter Smith in the beginning of february in africa. It was the most unbelievable experience shooting on safari with baby lions and something I will never forget.

Working with photographers: freedom to express himself and no previous preparation!

I like to feel like there is some kinda freedom to express yourself and move, I am not so good at staying still. I also much prefer to be outside than stuck in a studio.No preparation I just turn up on time and do my job.As for backstages´ stories, What happens on set stays on set......HA 

The catwalks experiences and the 150 pairs of sneakers!!!

D&G, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, Armani, Bottega Venetta,Tommy Hilfinger, Gucci, Gap, Zara .... I have been working a long time so quite a few. Most of my experiences of catwalk are rushing around trying to get everything done.

At home I am just chillin, so not really bothered. Just sweats/jeans and a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. I do have a serious problem with buying sneakers though, I probably have around 150 pairs. I am though a bit of a shopaholic and have a real passion for nice watches currently a rolex daytona black face steel bracelet

Andrew by himself

Anonymous in a crowd, all of a sudden, a fan approaches you and reveals to others that you are a very popular and famous model. The excitement takes over and the crowd gets wild. How would you handle it? Do one. I´d wanna get out of there, I am not someone who like attention
Human Rights, Freedom of Speech, Wars and sexual behaviour: Politics are personal. I believe the world is in a fucked up place at the moment and everyone needs to realise their own impact and try and change
Show biz, Fame, Success and the 5 most important things: I´m Not for show business. I like to enjoy my life with people who are sincere and real to me. I work and I go home. I enjoy my job and the things it does for me and the opportunities it provides, but don't believe the hype. Success is doing something to the best of your ability and getting recognition for that
5 things
His way to atract someone´s attention: Smile
Having fun, places he goes and enjoys the best of life: Dinner/bbq/ Beach with friends
The craziest (nastiest?) thing he´s ever done in a summer time season: I went to Ibiza for two days and stayed for two weeks, to this day it´s a real blur. Happy Days
Fav body part and why: Havent really got one, my mouth... U can get many pleasures with it
Fav food: Japanese (Yellow tail sashimi)
Fav undies for his daily activities and for those coooool sexy moments (lol!): Calvin Klein.
An unforgettable moment: My daughter being born

The Projects
Well, I am currently in Marseile airport after finishing Winter 2010 Esprit with Mariano vivanco and off straight to Seattle to shoot Nautica 2010. Happy Days
Main motto: Love to Live
Full name: Andrew James Cooper
contact info: New Madison Paris

Source: World of Models

2010年4月23日 星期五

The Details Guide to Laid-Back Spring Style

Details May 2010
Laid-back Spring Style
Ph: Robbie Fimmano
M: Andrew Cooper, Ben Hill, Boyd Holbrook, Garrett Neff, Michael Camiloto, Jamie Strachan, RJ Rogenski, Romulo Pires and Vincent Lacrocq

Andrew Cooper
Blazer and pocket square by Dries Van Noten. Tank top by Richard Chai. Jeans by Robert Geller. Shoes by Esquivel. Watch by David Yurman.

Michael Camiloto
Sweater by Gucci. Pants by Acne. Watch by Cartier. Belt, stylist's own.


Sasha Pivovarova covers i-D,Spring 2010

Ph: Emma Summerton

2010年4月19日 星期一


劉邦耀 便利貼動畫

台灣創意國際發光!一名台北藝術大學科技藝術所的學生劉邦耀,拍攝了一支兩分鐘的便利貼動畫,短短2周就有百 萬人瀏覽,至今觀看人數已經破160萬,連美國影星Ashton Kutcher(艾西頓酷奇)也留言推薦。由於內容創意又有趣,被美國有線電視新聞網CNN和微軟公司相中,紛紛邀請合作製片。

影片中,劉邦耀利用便利貼來提醒自己每天的工作,但卻變成和便利貼奮戰的感覺,他利用了6000張便利貼變化構圖,找來朋友演出,因每秒需要12張照片, 最後四天拍下了1000多張照片串連成動畫。CNN看到了劉邦耀的創意,邀請他在新節目中擔任影片製作,微軟也希望他來幫搜尋引擎製作影片,還有美國廣告 公司直接找他工作,讓他感到又驚又喜。不過劉邦耀目前接受教育部的藝術與設計菁英海外培訓,正在Savannah College of Art and Design(SCAD)進修,學業尚未完成也未服兵役的他,只好對這些誘人的工作說不了。

愛畫男 夢想全世界看見 2009-07-03中國時報【李坤建、許俊偉/綜合報導】
台灣動畫創意之光劉邦耀自小就愛畫畫,得過無數繪畫比賽優勝。他的母親洪梅梨說,兒子從幼稚園開始,一直到台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所,總是畫個不 停,但他不是關在房裡埋頭苦幹的「宅男」,反而極為熱愛運動。她說,「兒子是個很陽光的男孩。」


史明輝前年也以動畫短片《飛躍藍調》奪得金馬獎個人創作短片獎,他形容劉邦耀是個很積極的學生,這支「DEADLINE post-it」停格拍攝的動畫雖是描述自己的經驗,卻貼近民眾生活。尤其搭配上傳的製作過程側拍影片更能引起網友共鳴,也讓觀眾體會停格拍攝艱辛。










Lee Hyori - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang LIVE

James Hampson for SIEG S/S 2010

Mathias Lauridsen - Vman"Once Upon A Time"

vman #18 "once upon a time"
photography: benjamin alexander huseby
styling: nicola formichetti

Evian礦泉水 - 嬰兒穿溜冰鞋跳舞

法國知名礦泉水品牌愛維養(Evian)的創意廣告。片中一群包著尿布的可愛寶寶熱情演出, 他們穿著溜冰鞋,隨著嘻哈節奏作出各種高難度動作,模樣可愛至極。


影片主角是剛做完牙齒手術的7歲小男孩大衛,手術麻藥讓他頭昏腦脹、神智不清,連話都說不清楚, 還擔心自己不會恢復正常。

Crotch Grab !

Nicole Richie covers Marie Claire UK 2010

2010年4月18日 星期日

Evolution of Dance 舞之進化 (YouTube第3高點擊率)


美國最具影響力 50 大男、女同志

美國同志雜誌「OUT」公布在北美最具文化影響力的50位同性戀者名單,樂壇大老大衛葛芬榮登榜首,領先CNN主播安德森古柏,女性則以名列季軍的艾倫狄 珍妮絲位置最高,遙遙領先排名第43的兩屆奧斯卡影后茱蒂佛斯特。

在「OUT」評選標準中,政策上舉足輕重的影響力、流行文化的共鳴、擁有的財富、近期個人表現等都很重要。冠軍大衛葛芬毫無疑問在4大項目都有傲人的成 就,大眾最熟知他的只有曾和基諾李維被傳結婚,但業界盛傳若變成他的敵人,就等於在事業上的自我戕害,休想翻身。

CNN主播安德森古柏則以斯文的外表取代傳統電視台的老年男性主播,贏得許多婦女支持,今年他年薪還從200萬美元(約台幣6,200萬)上漲一倍,達到 400萬美元(約台幣1.2億)。艾倫狄珍妮絲則日漸有取代歐普拉氣勢,加上又接下「美國偶像」評審,日夜間的觀眾一網打盡。

其餘上榜者不乏知名人士。Top 10中,一度在影視圈亦大為走紅的蘿西歐唐納得到第6名、時尚設計師Marc Jacobs是第8名。【聯合報╱記者蘇詠智/綜合報導】

誰是美國最具影響力的同志名人呢?答案似乎不出人意表,由脫口秀節目主持人艾倫狄珍妮居冠,演藝圈人士入圍 的還包括位居第25名的「珍愛人生」導演李丹尼爾斯、第41名的茱蒂佛斯特,時尚金童湯姆福特則位居第13名。

美國知名雜誌「OUT」指出,由於艾倫加入「美國偶像」選秀節目,取代了原本評審寶拉阿巴杜,因為節目深受 年輕人喜愛,也讓艾倫的曝光度和影響力大增。從成人收看的脫口秀節目到年輕人喜愛的選秀節目都有她,而且艾倫致力提倡同志平權議題,她也和女伴波莎迪羅西 結婚,做了同志婚姻的良好示範。

多年來被傳同志身分的女星茱蒂佛斯特,近年也慢慢公開她的真正性向,名列第41名,並不意外。 【自由電子報╱記者李光爵/綜合報導】

2009 The Power 50
2008 The Power 50

Hahaha (YouTube最高點擊率)

Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind,Part II LIVE at iHeartRadio

Adam Lambert LIVE at iHeartRadio

2010年4月16日 星期五

RF Online Soundtrack

Lee So Jung(李秀英) - One

When I saw you for the first time,I knew you were the one.
在我第 一次遇見你,我就知道你是那唯一。
You didn't say a word to me,but love was in the air.
你 沒有與我對話,愛卻已瀰漫空氣中。
Then you held my hand,and pulled me into your world.
那 時你拉著我的手,並帶著我進入你的世界。
From then on my life has changed for good.
從此永 遠改變我的生活。
Now I'll never feel lonely again,cause you are in my life.
現 在我永遠不會再感到孤單,因為我的生命中有你。

Love,how can I explain to you?
愛,我該怎麼解釋 給你?
the way I feel inside when I think of you.
I thank you for everything that you show me.
don't you ever forget that I love you.

Love,I know that someday will soon you'll be right next to me.
Whole day miss you tight so I will always be yours.
Although we can't be together now.
remember I am here for you,when I know you're there for me.

When ever I long to be with you.
I just close my eyes and pretend you're here.
I see you,I touch you,I feel you,like real.
Nothing can ever change what I feel inside.

How long must I be far a way from you?
I don't know,too,but I know we are one.
我 並不知道,但我知道我們註定要在一起。


Lia - The Force of Love

All alone,somewhere far away from home
一片寂靜, 離開家中很遠的某處
In a lonely place where no one konws your name
在一個孤獨的地方, 沒人知道你的名字
Lost inside a corner of your mind
Looking for a place to hide and none to find
隱藏地望著這個地方 , 空無一人
Back in the days when you were just a child
The sunrays danced eternally
And when you least expect it,you hear a voice inside
當你在期望著, 你聽到他的聲音
Telling you to begin the life of your dreams
You have the power to believe
Take a look inside your heart
看看你的決 心
A road is waiting for you
The truth is written in the stars
No matter who you are
You feel the force of love
Like a wind blowing high above the clouds
You were moving fast but couldn't touch the ground
Think of the days when you were just a child
想 想那一天你還是一個小孩
You felt a joy so tenderly
And if you stop to listen to what you feel inside
如果你停止聆聽 去感覺
You can be everything you wanted to be
You have the power to achieve
If you reach inside your heart
Your wish is waiting for you
The truth is written in the stars
No matter who you are
You feel the force of love

All the pain and tears and broken dreams
所有的痛苦, 激怒 和被破壞的夢想
Flowing like a river
It's never easy to see
Trust what you feel and just keep your spirit free
You can be all the things you wanted to be

In your dreams
You have the power to believe
Make a promise in your heart
在 你的心刻上承諾
Your future's waiting for you
A secret in the sky above
Like a shooting star
You feel the force of love
It's written in the stars


2010年4月14日 星期三

Love me Tender, or else!


其實,這不是一支最新的內衣廣告,但在情人節前後瞧見它,保證叫各位笑開懷啦,因為這支廣告不僅性感到爆,故事情節還火辣到爆,看完不但可以叫大 夥兒惠心一笑,還能夠幫萬千被忽視的女性同胞們,狠狠出一口怨氣呢!(精采影片&圖片如下)

這應該是英國這家內衣品牌「Agent Provocateur」,所製作過最有名、最養眼、又最叫女人津津樂道的一支廣告了吧,因此即使他們之前有找過凱莉米洛、凱特摩絲替他們打宣傳,但效果 都不若這支廣告這麼讚。

只能說廣告導演兼時尚攝影師葛瑞格威廉斯(Greg Williams)的發想,實在太棒,居然可以把女性內衣和女人結合得這麼好,不會只是一味地想用內衣討好男人而已,整個拍攝甚至把「Agent Provocateur」內衣表現得更美、更引人遐思,難怪廣告出來之後,英國女人會嚷嚷,只要一穿上這個牌子的內衣,全身就莫名地會出現一種自信感呢。

廣告的主題叫「Love me Tender, or else!」(溫柔地對我,否則……),廣告的故事則發生在情人節,劇中的女主角,在家裡已經精心打扮,準備跟男主角去吃燭光晚餐了,誰料到,男主角一通 有公事要忙的電話,把女主角一整天的費盡心思,全都給摧毀殆盡,只留下她在鏡前顧影自憐,暗暗可惜了全身上下那一套性感到不行的蕾絲內衣!

之後,女主角卻越看越火冒三丈,越看越不甘心,因此套了件外套,就直往男主角的辦公室衝去,你以為她是要去碎碎唸兼抱怨對不對?那可〜〜還真的沒有咧,因 為她居然是去五花大綁男主角來的,而且就在辦公桌旁,直接便跟他上演了一場情色限制級的誘惑戲碼呢。

真個不誇張,女主角叫人血脈賁張的功力,再加上性感內衣的助興,簡直快要了男主角的「小命」唷,尤其是,當她的小褲褲,塞進男主角嘴巴裡的時候,嗚〜〜 呼〜〜可真是〜〜??〜〜劇情直轉急下了呢。 

因為就在男主角再也忍受不住的當兒,這位女主角居然一拳打得男主角「落花流血」,然後漂亮轉身,留下男主角享用不到的光屁屁倩影,揚長而去!!哇哈哈哈 哈,這一報還一報,還報得真妙呀,不但叫男人嚐到了辜負女人報應,也讓他們嚐到從天堂掉到地獄的落差呢〜〜



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