2009年12月28日 星期一

如意椅 FlexibleLove

這張由台灣科技大學工業設計系學生Chishen Chiu設計開發,命名為「如意椅」的環保紙椅,主要材質是回收木板及蜂巢紙。設計者利用蜂巢紙具有相當好的伸縮性跟抗壓力的特 性,讓這張椅子具有伸縮變型的能力。如意椅平常可以收縮成30公分大小,放在小坪數的房間裡一點也不會覺得擁擠。而當一群親朋好友同時來家中拜訪時,這椅 子最長可以伸展至720公分,同時讓16個大人坐在上面。

據報導指出,目前已有許多廠商想要代理這張椅子,不過到目前為止還不確定何時會正式量產( 該不會是因為設計師追求完美的天性,想把防潮、防火、防蟲等問題解決後才上市量產?這樣也好,不然椅子被召回原廠維修昇級的話,就要坐地板好幾天了呢! )。有興趣的朋友,不妨多留意後續的消息。有機會的話,不妨用實際的行動給國內的設計師一些鼓勵唷!

這張神奇沙發已在台灣有售,約為二萬台幣(即約五千港幣)。再翻查一下,外國也有類似的設計,叫Paper Lounge

我猜我猜我猜猜 紙椅發明家


Marilyn Monroe


英國歌手 Calvin Harris 夥同 英國索尼音樂 以及 Bare 可導人體油墨 (Bare conductive body ink)用 15 位比基尼 女孩做了個 「巨型」 的人體調音器(synthesizer)—— Humanthesizer。 大概原理女孩及 Calvin 利用拍手通過 手上及身上並接地的導電油墨來完成回路,完成的回路會經由地上的油墨線帶動某個電子樂器並發出相應的音符……

前排的 8 個女孩充當 主鍵盤 的角色,與 Calvin 互動演奏,而後面 7 位共三組女孩,從左至右分別代表 鋼琴音,鼓音 及 貝司音,負責節拍 (rhythmic)。

下面這段 油條幫錄像裡 Calvin 和 這 15 個女孩成功的演奏了一段他的最新單曲 Ready For The Weekend

2009年12月27日 星期日

Oh Danish Boy Interview with Mathias Lauridsen

Mathias Lauridsen & Freja Beha Erichsen - TV Interview

Translation (Courtesy of Sabrina and her cousin; Edited by me):
TV2 Anchor: Freja Beha Erichsen has made a fast career for herself in the international fashion world and is now in the absolutely top tier. Last night, the Danish fashion world paid tribute to their two supermodels.

Narrator: Music stars, well-known TV personalities, and political figures gathered on this night to pay tribute to the Danish fashion world. Naturally, models and designers also took part in Denmark's first fashion awards, as carried out by Danish fashion royalty Kim Grenaa and Uffe Buchard.

Susanne Bjerrehuus: We are on the world map, and it is something to celebrate.

Narrator: And it was indeed a celebration, although that came a little late for Susanne Bjerrehuus' own model son. But she, herself, was allowed to hand out the award to the male model of the year.

Susanne Bjerrehuus: Mathias Lauridsen.

Narrator: And Freja Beha Erichsen recevied her award as the female model of the year from Erik Brandt and Jokeren (A Danish musician).

Erik Brandt: She always allows her attitude and personality to show through her work.

TV2 Anchor: And that is how it looks when prizes are presented in Copenhagen's night life. Welcome Uffe Buchard, Mathias Lauridsen, and Freja Beha Erichsen. It is not very often that I welcome someone with the name Beha Erichsen.

Freja: You probably do not do that, no.

TV2 Anchor: Just like my own name. Isn't this nice? Because we are actually cousins, but we've never met each other before now.

Freja: It is funny.

TV2 Anchor: Hi Freja. Do you think we look alike? A little bit? Can you tell?

Uffe Buchard: Uhm, yes, a bit.

TV2 Anchor: How does it feel to be a top model, traveling around in the big world, and then coming home to receive an award like this? Is it good?

Freja: Yes, it is.

Mathias: Yes, I think so. It's...every pat on the shoulder is welcome. You just take it as a pat on the shoulder and recognition that you are doing good work.

Freja: Precisely.

Mathias: Of course it is always great.

TV2 Anchor: Uffe, you have been taking part in arranging these fashion awards. And you were also in the jury.

Uffe: Yes.

TV2 Anchor: Why did Mathias and Freja deserve their respective awards?

Uffe: Yes, I only cast my own vote. There are 250 people who have been involved, from both the Danish and foreign fashion industries. Also, there has been a panel of judges -- a hardcore, inner circle of 20 people -- who made the final selections. And I would say the choice here wasn't that hard. We have 2 world-class stars here.

TV2 Anchor: Yes. And what is special about what they have accomplished? In comparison to other models, that is.

Uffe: Well, what I think a good model should be able to do today is not only to be pretty - that is simply not enough. A good model today should also be a type of challenge to one's senses. You potentially go on an adventure based on the appearance of models today, and therefore, it is about much more than appearance. These days we often talk about a certain "X-factor," and that is what you have to have.

TV2 Anchor (to M & F): Do you have the X-factor? Do you wake up in the morning and think that you possess it?

Freja: You obviously don't do that.

Mathias: I don't really like the term "X-factor" much.

Uffe: No, but you have to showcase yourself. You have to be more like a real person than a doll. You are not supposed to be a model in that way anymore, like in the 80's and 90's. Things have been changing.

TV2 Anchor: There has to be more personality.

Uffe: Yes. And if you are not a well-balanced person and if you haven't experienced some things, and so on. I don't know about myself but I know they have.

Freja: Yes, I guess we have.

TV2 Anchor: Mathias, how did you get into it - how did you start your model career?

Mathias: I started it the way, I think, most boys start. I don't think it's the same path for boys as for girls - it's not that princess dream. Most boys start with being approached by someone and asked whether or not they want it to be their profession.

TV2 Anchor: This is actually the first "modeling photo" of yours, it's supposed to go on screen in a moment. How does this happen? Your father was involved, right? Did he say, "You look good, boy. You need to have some photos taken of you?"

Uffe: I actually remember you having that hair.

Mathias: I can actually remember that, too. Never has it been so long since then.

Freja: It is very cute.

Uffe: He's a rather cute girl.

TV2 Anchor: Freja, you are 20 years old now. There are these lists over the hottest or the best model in the world - Mathias you are number 1 at the moment - and Freja, you are no. 11. How did you get involved in all this?

Freja: Uhm, I was stopped on the street - at Gamle Parkvej (Old King's Road). And I thought, "Well then."

TV2 Anchor: Someone who thought here are some Beha Erichsen genes that can be put to use.

Freja: Yes, that's exactly what it was. Then I thought, "Why not?" So I went for it, and I have been doing it since.

TV2 Anchor: You haven't regretted anything?

Freja: I have never regretted that.

TV2 Anchor: Is a model life good for you? There are many who dream of such a profession and think that it must be the best in the world.

Freja: I like it. I think it's a nice job.

Mathias: I'm certainly not dissatisfied with it. It is probably not the job people actually imagine it to be when they think it's the best in the world, but I'm also very happy about my job.

Freja: Yes.

Mathias: I appreciate the many freedoms it offers.

TV2 guy: It is not necessarily the most long-life job.

Freja: It probably isn't.

Mathias: No.

TV2 guy: How long can one keep working as a model?

Freja: Well, I will keep working for as long as I can. As long as there is something to do. And afterwards, you will come up with something else to do.

TV2 Anchor: Yes, life is fortunately long.

Freja: Exactly. It is.

TV2 Anchor: Congratulations with the prizes. Thank you for coming.

Mathias, Freja & Uffe: Thanks. You're welcome.

Mathias Lauridsen - Bruuns Bazaar SS09 Backstage Interview

Interview with Danish male model Mathias Lauridsen, Bruuns Bazaar creative director Bjorn Bruuns, and Scoop Models director Jesper Lundquist. Everything takes place backstage at Bruuns Bazaar's Spring/Summer 2009 fashion show at Copenhagen Fashion Week (August 6th, 2008).

Courtesy of Sputnik.dk and the morning show Go' morgen Denmark.

Translation (Courtesy of Sabrina and her cousin - many thanks!):

"...now it's about fashion again. We have many beautiful women, but at the moment we also have a very handsome man. He is not only beautiful and young -- he is also one of the world's hottest and best top models. We have followed him the last couple of days to a fashion show at the Government's State Museum for Art. His name is Mathias Lauridsen."

Mathias: "I've just arrived here to Bruuns Bazaar Show at the Government's State Museum for Art, and I'm just getting make-up done. I assume I'm going to have to get my hair done and then, hopefully, I can go up and try the clothes and see the atmosphere."

Mathias (who is now dressed and ready to go): "They are having a hall test. We should probably listen."

Bjørn: "Now, we'll just try it once."

Bjørn: "Mathias looks good, but it's not all about looks. The biggest guy on the market isn't always the guy who looks the best. It's about working well in front of the camera, and we know that we can say that Mathias both looks very good can do what's needed of him. So, he is very special, I would say. I have worked with many and Mathias is very extreme (In a good way). So, I don't really know who's better than Mathias, I would say he's number one in the world. He is clearly in a class of his own."

Mathias: "Now we're standing here just before the show starts. I had my wardrobe presented -- I have three outfits: the first one is calm and quiet, that's what you jump in while you're waiting; the next few pieces should go a bit quickly. So, there's traffic back and forth here. In shows, it's necessary to have a dresser, but in daily life it would be completely horrible to have another ready when you take your shirt off."

Mathias: "We're rolling!"

Jesper: "He's incredibly photogenic and he looks diffrent on every photo. If you look at his campaign for Gucci, Lacoste and Hugo Boss in his porfolio, you would think he was ten different people. He has a wonderful quality which is incredibly rare, and he has been number one on Models.com for two years now -- which is very unbelievable for a Danish model since it has been so long. We have never had something that reminds me of this, and we have never had a woman for that long either."

Mathias: "Oh, those girls. They are walking slowly."

Mathias: "There was a lot of time."

Jesper: "He's very calm, very down-to-earth. He's not a party guy or even one of those people who have their nose in the sky (Arrogant). He's a very good boy. I would say that it has been a very important for his career that he's sympathetic and sweet. There're models that can be in his position and they're like 'and here I come,' but he's not like that. He's a very nice boy."

Mathias: "The show is running a bit late, but all together I think I've been here for two and a half hours; effective working hours. It has been with clothes changing for fifteen minutes. So, that's the way it is. [English] Another day at the office :)"

2009年12月15日 星期二

The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling***Amazing***

Kevin Zegers

全名:Kevin Joseph Zegers
生日: 1984/9/19
出生地:加拿大 安大略省 Woodstock
身高: 175
學歷 : St. Mary's High School (2002年畢)(他是校足球,籃球隊成員)
母-Mary Ellen,姐-Katie,妹-Krista
喜歡的演員:Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore
喜歡的電視劇:《Beverly Hills 90210》
喜歡的音樂:Eminem, Papa Roach, 3LW, House

Kevin於6歲便開始他的演藝生涯,大部分作品皆為電視影集,至少在30部廣告片中出現;曾經在英國倫敦擔任過模特兒,目前定居加拿大 多倫多市;其原始髮色為褐色(深褐色及金色都是染的)雖然身高不高但臉蛋長的俊美又是運動健將,他也曾到倫敦當過服裝男模。


他近期參與過的影集包括有【The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie】,與好萊塢資深演員吉娜羅蘭及詹姆斯肯恩飆戲;也曾於【House M.D.】、【X檔案】等影集裡軋上一角。


【記者 蘇詠智/報導】


為求戲好 不怕犧牲






小小年紀 大大志向

童年時的凱文,曾在「X檔案」(X Files)、「清秀小佳人」(Road to Avonlea)等露臉,也曾在「福星急轉彎」(Life with Mikey)演過男主角米高福克斯的童年,米高也是從加拿大到好萊塢發展,獲得極大成就,凱文小小年紀,就知道這是他未來的目標。

13歲時,凱文主演迪士尼家庭電影「神犬也瘋狂」(Air Bud),成本僅300萬美元(約合台幣9786萬元),全美票房卻是本錢的8倍,由於片子叫好叫座,一連拍了好幾部續集,凱文也不斷重回劇組,扮演連戲主角,直到快20歲,才與此系列說再見。





當他正式揮別「神犬」系列後,馬上加入限制級恐怖片「鬼擋路」(Wrong Turn)演出陣容,可惜,擔任的角色是最早被食人家族幹掉的富家子,除了帥臉稍微引起注意,沒兩下就消失。

說也奇怪,凱文在「鬼擋路」中沒啥表現機會,卻意外從「可愛童星」變成「恐怖片美男」,接連在「活人生吃」(Dawn of the Dead)、「勇闖斷頭谷」(The Hollow)中露臉。


用力轉型 獻出全裸



銀幕下的凱文也算早熟,和大他10歲的演員女友瑪莉莎在洛杉磯同居,各自朝一線巨星的目標努力。【2006/04/03 星報】

Lindsay Lohan MUSE